Branching Out

Friends! Things are changing. I have been busy this fall doing a little traveling and getting out of my town. I had a fabulous trip to NYC to visit my cousin and made a list of things to do and places to go. It was such a blast and I am dying to go back! Next, I traveled to New Orleans, Louisiana to visit a nurse friend that does travel nursing. While there I tried a bunch of new foods…. crazy right?! My thoughts exactly! And the craziest part is that I even liked a few of them…. ok maybe one of them. But, that’s besides the point. These recent trips are actually making me want to travel a little bit (only in the US of course)! Subsequently, I am warming up to the idea of even trying some new foods. I prepared for the peer pressure I expected to get in NOLA by trying 4 new foods in one day at home before we left and had some mild success there! I guess something that Freddie said to me recently stuck out… something to the effect of us being put on this earth to try new things. We celebrated our 8 year anniversary together last night and I even tried a mushroom! I don’t know how to explain this phenomenon, maybe I am just growing up and getting a slight urge to explore a little, not without a well researched list at the ready of course, but just to see and do more before I am ready to settle down! It feels weird but I am trying to embrace this bizarre situation. Certainly Freddie will be happier when we go out to dinner and I don’t clam up immediately when he suggests I try something new, no garuntees I will throw back any old food though. But, hey baby steps right?! So here goes… where should I travel to next??? (Cue the squeal of excitement)!